1st Day in St Nathy’s College

We were delighted to welcome our new 1st year students along with so many of their parents/guardians as they began their 1st day in St Nathy’s College.

For some students, they were the first in their home to start post-primary and for some, they were the last, but for all of them, there was some nervous excitement. It helped to have the mums and dads there when they stepped through the doors for the first time, and after a short prayer service, they were off with their friends and class tutors.

After two years of restrictions, we were delighted to invite the parents/guardians to stay for a cup of tea and a chat.

As the students left at the end of the day, there were plenty of smiles as those initial nerves were banished, and the first day was done and dusted!

Enjoy the weekend, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

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