Leaving Cert. Graduation Mass

The Leaving Cert. Graduation Mass was held in the College Chapel on Tuesday 6th May at 8p.m.  Bishop Brendan Kelly, Patron and Trustee of St Nathy’s College was the main celebrant and homilist. He was accompanied on the altar by the President, Fr Surlis and the Chaplain, Fr Kivlehan.

The Leaving Cert. Class of 2014 was joined by parents and family, as well as by members of the teaching staff at the Mass. The R.E. Dept. co-ordinated the readings, prayer of the faithful, offertory gifts and symbols which were delivered by Leaving Cert. students. The choir, under the direction of Ms Kielty and Ms Sheridan, comprised members of the Leaving Cert. class and Fourth Year students.

The Mass was a wonderful celebration of the journey undertaken by this year’s Leaving Certs. during their time in St Nathy’s College and as we thank God for their gifts, we wish each one of them every blessing in the future.