Deferred Reopening of Schools

The Department of Education has deferred reopening of schools until Monday the 11th January to allow the school community time to follow public health advice and to minimise any contacts before the return to school.

In an announcement yesterday, Minister Foley said:

“It is a key objective of Government that our children and school staff can attend school safely. This has been achieved through the valiant efforts of all members of the school community, and the additional supports put in place. The government has considered carefully the public health data analysis regarding schools, which is hugely reassuring and shows that schools continue to be safe places.

The Christmas school break will be extended for three additional days to 11 January. This will allow every member of the school community to follow public health advice closely and minimise their contacts before children return to school.

Children, young people and their parents and school communities have been extremely responsible to date in ensuring that they follow the public health guidelines. It is really important that everyone continues to do this so that we can all support the safe operation of our schools.”